Grupa Amundi

Zaprzestanie stosowania stawek LIBOR

W dniu 5 marca 2021 r. Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) potwierdziła, że wszystkie stawki LIBOR przestaną być dostarczane przez administratora bądź też nie będą już reprezentatywne. Powyższe dotyczy:

  • natychmiast po dniu 31 grudnia 2021 r. – wszystkich stawek dla funta szterlinga, euro, franka szwajcarskiego i jena japońskiego oraz 1-tygodniowych i 2-miesięcznych stawek dla dolara amerykańskiego,
  • natychmiast po dniu 30 czerwca 2023 r. – pozostałych stawek dla dolara amerykańskiego (stawki O/N, 1, 3, 6 i 12 miesięcy).

Pobierz kluczowe informacje dotyczące nadchodzącego wydarzenia i jego konsekwencji (w języku angielskim)

Voting policy

The exercise of voting rights and shareholder dialogue are key elements of our fiduciary responsibility and of our role as a responsible investor.

As early as 1996, Amundi implemented its own voting policy, updated every year, which includes the best corporate governance practices as well as, from 2003, social and environmental responsibility. Amundi has decided to exercise voting rights for the vast majority of French and Luxembourg funds so as to best fulfil its responsibility as a shareholder.


Very early in its approach as a responsible shareholder, Amundi also implemented a shareholder dialogue process organised around a system of alerts in the event of negative voting intentions vis-à-vis SBF120 companies and a group of companies with the largest market capitalisations in Europe.

Voting and dialogue thus allow us to be actively involved in improving the practices of the companies in which we invest.

Access to our proxy voting results

Enforcement of ESMA guidelines

The “Guidelines on ETFs and other UCITS issues” published by the European Securities and Markets Authority (ESMA) on 12 December 2012 came into force on 18 February 2013.

You will find below the policy applicable to UCITS subject to these Guidelines in terms of financial guarantees.